Celebration of the Cow

September 12, 2011

Ok, so we’ve been a bit slow. Put that down to more time spent slaving over the coals than  over a keyboard. So busy in fact that we’ve not been able to take any pictures of the last couple of feasts.

Fortunately one or two of our guests have done a review of the evening, and even more fotuitously they wrote nice things about us.

So may I point you in the direction of FoodStories who came along to our Celebration of the cow. It’s probably a good idea to have a punter’s perspective anyway. Her review is HERE

We also donated a few quid to the charity Cooking for Life who work in Brazil teaching hospitality skills to those living in areas where such opportunities are hard to come by. The charity also runs a community cafe. Ruth’s mate Paul works for them – he made some pretty mean Caipirinhas for our guests on the night.

Check out their site, and if you want to get involved you can donate on their giving page.